Sunday, December 1, 2013

upper Pinch In 11-29-2013

Date of work: 11/29/13
Time spent : 8 hours includes commute
Number of workers: 1 Jim de Friess
Work accomplished:

Was a little disappointed to see tape across the trail head and in reading the notice discovered entering the area makes one subject to a $5k fine.  So I clipped around the paking lot, everything high within the confines then one person wide pass around the outside of the parking boundaries.  While clipping I thought to call Ken and ask about trail closures.

He reminded me that they had been rescinded for the hunters sake, and I did remember seeing that.  Getting the signs down I guess wasn't as great a priority as putting them up was.

With that information I started down the trail.  I wanted to check my waterbars having had this feeling that they had been removed by fire watchers in prep for possibly using Pinch In if the fire jumped the river.

Happily I can report they were all in good shape and required very little maint.  I did clean out a few that were near full but and built a couple more, but mostly I just clipped the trail back to proper width.  A sling blade may have been a better tool than shears.

Clipped and made a few additional waterbars, repositioned some step over logs as waterbars, That I previously was unable to do from being tired.  The logs I chopped were full of moisture and froze, so that helps them break up, and a pulaski chop through them.

Worked to the point a couple hundred yards above the cliff area, intend to put in more water features in that last little bit as I work down the hill on the middle third.  Hope to camp sometime to work the lower third. 

It was a good day in the woods, saw for people hiking in with backpacks to enjoy the gorge.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Northern RJ 8/4/2013

Date of work: 8/04/2013
number of workers: 1 Jim de Friess
Time spent: 11 hours -includes commute
Work done: Starting from Old Conley fire ring I clipped south, just minimally the stuff across the trail and thin too.  My goal was to get as far south as I could and try and keep moving clipping waht was sticking over the trail, trying to make sure it was followable if not wide. 

At the top of the gulley in what is generally called Blue Jay canyon there was a tree across the trail, its where Ken and I turned around when we last worked RJ.  After about an hour and a half it was in two and I was able to scoot the trunk making it passable.  Now there are two trunks hanging over the trail - one in fern canyon, one in blue jay canyon. 

After the tree trunk I worked and clipped south all the way past the turn to sunshine point, somewhere in moonshine canyon but not to south end of it.

I turned and retreated back north clipping more but walking at near normal pace.  Had lunch at bean camp in the hammock then snoozed a bit.  Watered up at Blue jay falls, then made it to the truck.

Rj is discernible all the way into moonshine canyon.  There are a couple duck unders.  I'll post a few pictures at some point.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Babel Tower July 7

Date of work: 7/7/2013
Number of workers: 1 Jim d
time spent 8 hours( includes commute)
work accomplished: was planning to clip lower Babel.  When I got there upper Babel was a creek, so I took my time and built one waterbar when it got just ridiculously deep.  Worked on some other water features.

Where the wet spring crosses the trail 3 or four waterbars were needed.  I feel good that I was able to get most of the water off the trail quicker.  There are so many little springs with it being so wet.

I finally got to where clipping had ended two weeks ago, and the waterbar was doing its job.  This is in the upper ditch area.  I spent the rest of my time clipping the ditch and building cleaning waterfeatures that were in that section.

One of the little springs I noticed was coming out in the trail in one of the deeper sections, so I clear cut the downhill side berm filling the clippings in the deep part.  The trail goes down the berm for about 20' then back into the existing part, at the bottom I created another waterbar- first opportunity to help keep the water from going further down the trail.  It needs some tread work I was losing steam by this point.  I clipped further down, I'm close to the bottom of the ditch.

I walked out.  No rain on me while in the woods, some on the way up and on the way home, it was a good day in the woods.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Upper Babel Tower trail

Date : 6/23/2013
Number of workers: 2  Jim d and Mel B
time spent: 17 hours (includes commutes)
Work accomplished: Clipped Babel growth back as we descended getting to the uppermost waterbar in the ditch area.  It was in good shape and had not grown shut, but we widened it.

We cleared a couple trees - one requiring two pulaski cuts, and a big mess near the stone bridge.  It had been passable but is now better.

At the waterbar the water was end running and back onto the trail, so digging happened to get it off the trail with rocks place to prevent people (hopefully) from end running the lengthened waterbar and helping water to get back on the trail.

It was a great day in the woods.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

LGT south of Conley Cove

Dates of work: June 19 and 20, 2013
Number of workers: 1 Jim d
time spent: 14 hours including commute
Work done:  hiked in CC, started clipping heading south on LGT.  Stopped to clear some logs and trail obstructions if I thought I could handle them.  Had fun most of the afternoon, then pushed through unclipped sections to camp close to where I had quit clipping coming North a couple weeks ago.  I camped.  In the morning I clipped from the campsite south to where I quit the two weeks before, again clearing obstructions, then returned to camp packing up and clipping north through what I had left unclipped the previous day.

LGT has been clipped from what people call Leadmine (2 miles + south of Pinch In) all the way to Conley cove this season. 

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Lower Conley Cove 6-11-2013

date of work: 6/11/2013
number of workers: Ken C, Tyler K, and Jim d
time spent: 25 hours, includes commutes
Work done: clipped Conley cove - finished clipping it all the way to the river, removed some tree obstructions.

4-5 trees still remain if a crosscut crew is available in the lower sections, generally the trail is passable. 

Saw two snakes - one at a recently downed oak tree (across the trail) 10" copperhead, another further down about 200 yards a 36" copperhead, the little one stayed put, the big one slithered out of the way to avoid injury by sling blade.

Had lunch at the river, and then inspected our work on the way out.

Great day in the woods, got nice and cool at the river but it was hot hiking out.  I wouldn't hike CC in shorts but one probably could.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Upper Conley Cove June 8, 2013

Date of work June 8, 2013
Number of workers: 2 Jim and Jared de Friess
time spent: 10 hours includes commute.
work (fun) accomplished: clipping and building water features to get water running down the trail off sooner.  We built 4 such features and clipped the trail to uniform width further down.  Optimistically its clipped nearly halfway down, maybe just under.

It was a great day in the woods.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

LGT North of PI

Dates of work: June 4-6, 2013
Number of Workers: 2 Jim deFriess, Jonathan Kirk
time spent: 32 hours over three days
work done: light clipping on PI, primarily clipping LGT from PI to the point below CC where the trail turns away from the river.

It was a very narrow jungle out there and our pace was slow, but we tried to be thorough on the sections we did accomplish.

on Thursday about 10:30am we quit clipping and just walked out attending to a few trees but not anything comprehensive. We were at the last river camp site heading south before the trail veers away from the river gaining some elevation and distance from it.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

North RJ and upper Conley Cove

Date of work: 5/18/2013
number of workers : 1 Jim de Friess
Time spent: 8 hours includes commute
Work accomplished: Trail maintenance mostly clipping with shears, some water bar construction and clean out, some fallen tree obstruction removal/minimizing.

Started on RJ at the fire ring below the Old Conley parking area, clipped/cleared North until intersection with Conley Cove.  At Conley Cove I clipped east (down hill) as far as the foot bridge.  Then returned to the RJ/CC intersection and clipped/cleared CC to the trail head.

Once there I road walked back to my vehicle, saw three hikers- 2 coming out that thanked me, and one going in.

A great day in the woods.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Southern RJ 5-14-2013

Date of work: 5/14/2013
Number of workers: 3 Ken T, Ken C, and Jim d
time spent: 26 hours (includes commutes)
Work accomplished:  Hiked to Mossy falls, made at least one waterbar - on the way out, removed downed trees across the trail, but mostly clipped growth.  From Mossy Falls to 105 the trail is in good shape.  Carried out the few pieces of trash we found.

Video uploading currently-  Will be at:

Great day in the woods, thanks Ken^2

Thursday, May 9, 2013

PI and LGT trashed campsite near the river

Date of work: May 9, 2013
number of workers: 3 Jim d, Tyler d and Jared de Friess
time spent: 24 hours includes commutes
Work done:  was asked to verify a trashed campsite we had heard about from a hiker.  Me and my two sons hiked in and found it as described 3 us army tents, and pots and pans and food.  The critters were in the food already as instant potatoes packages had been sampled in many directions.  We separated it into three groups, burnables, non- burnables, and what may still be interesting to critters- the opened and unopened food packs.

At this point we decided to burn what we could, Jared however decided to keep the tents, and carefully sorted the parts out and with the exception of missing stakes, we think we have three complete ones.  One doesn't have a bag.  If you would like a rescued tent from Linville gorge USA let us know.

So we gathered some wood which isn't easy in this campsite, I suggest we avoid using it for a while.  Then we started a fire and burned away.  After the tents were packed up and everything burned that we could we put the fire out.

A hiker came by - looking for fishing spots, he volunteered to carry the lantern remnant out.  I put the three tents in the pack, we then bagged three propane cylinders, and egg container, and a pocket knife.  Putting them in a bag hanging off the back of the backpack.  Jared carried the pack out, the last I saw of him was just as we left the tree line ascending to the ridge.  Guess that means we should have put more on him.  It was over thirty pounds easily.

I managed to get out once again, as it was hot and muggy coming up that ridge.

Friday, May 3, 2013

PI once again

date of work: 5/3/2013
number of workers: 1 Jim de Friess
time spent: 4 hours includes commute

Work done: continued down Pinch In removing trail obstructions and creating waterbars with them.  Nearing cliff edge area.  Son hiked to the river and back while I worked, he did carry out the pack and tools, I still couldn't keep up.

Forgot the camera so no pics, found and removed empty water bottle "propel" from the side of the trail.

Brief but good trip, the waterbars up the hill seem to be working well, and it was quite pleasing to see.  They are also substantial and should last a while with very little maintenance.

It was a great day in the woods.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Pinch In 4/26/2013

Date of work 4/26/2013
number of workers 1 - Jim de Friess
time spent 5.5 hours - includes commute

Continued working down the hill, a couple large trunks were across the trail and off the ground and not sure its any easier there, but it is different. The wet weather spring waterbar is now 15' further up the hill closer to the spring thanks to one of the trunks.  I just took my time chipping away at them.

Pictures at

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Pinch In April 14 2013

date of work: 4/14/2013
number of workers: 1 Jim de Friess
time spent: 4 hours (includes commute)

Work done: continued down Pinch In Installing waterbars, pictures at picasa.

Picked up trash out of the bushes- took picks of it too.

Advised a couple with 2 small children that were very complimentary of the trail, that they were on the toughest gorge trail and only about 1/3 down it.  They decided to hike it some day without the 6 yo, turning around.

It was a great day in the woods.  I'm down to one of the spring areas and just beyond is an awkward to cross trunk- its the start of the next trip.

Jim d

Saturday, April 6, 2013

April 6 2013 -upper Pinch In

Date of work: April 6, 2013
Number of workers: 1 Jim de Friess
time spent : 8 hrs includes commute

Work done: concentrated on establishing more enduring water features on upper PI.  Photo link below with comments.  Was passed by a number of hikers, cut one standing dead tree out of my conclusion it would fall soon anyway, and probably right down the middle of the trail, so I helped it.

Might be a bigger log than people can comfortably cross so I made a path around the upper end

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

LGT South and PI

Date of work: April 2 and 3
Number of workers: 1 Jim de Friess
time spent: 18 hours - includes commute

Worked Pinch In a little on the way in, clearing obstructions, building a few waterbars.  Once on LGT south I cleared obstructions to Blue hole (that I could).  The exception being the recent downfall just south of daffodil flats (DF).  There I cut in a path around the obstruction- where it appeared traffic was already going.

Once at Blue hole I put away the pulaski in favor of loppers to clip the trail corridor slightly wider.  Some of the rhodo caves need the ceiling raised in places, one would need a saw for that, I didn't have one.  Made it DF camped just above the nice beach there.

The next day I clipped back to PI and started my ascent.  Its better to work PI on the way down.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Southern RJ - 3-17-13

Date of work: 3-17-2013
Number of workers: 2 Jim and Jared de Friess
work done:light clipping, tree clearing and waterbar construction.
Time spent: 3 hours- includes commute

Some details- The adopted by sign was face down on the ground,looked like the post wasn't treated and it rotted in two.  I propped it against some maples.

Made it down the hill to sitting rock, passed 5 hikers -2 coming out, and 3 going in- oh and 2 dogs.  The trail appears to be getting plenty of use and is holding up well.

Right before entering I was asked by folks in a SUV if I was Wigg- seems he has a reputation......

Sunday, March 10, 2013


Date of work: 3/10/2013
Number of workers: 2 Jim de Friess and Ken C.
Time spent: 14 hours all totaled including commutes.
Work done: clipping mostly along the northern third of RJ,  We got up the gully past the weeping wall.  Not having done trail work for a while we turned around just after that.  Where new trees were across the trail that we couldn't handle we clipped to help those having to cross later hopefully have an easier time.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Pinch In

Date of work Feb 24th
Number of Workers: 1
time spent 3 hours - includes commute.

Work done:

Cleaned out the waterbars on the steep upper section of PI.  Cut two trees that had been across the trail and made waterbars with one, beefed up an existing waterbar with the other.  A great day in the woods, its been too long.