Saturday, December 13, 2014

13 December 2014 Upper Pinch In

I spent 4 hours working 6 total (with commute) checking the condition of Pinch In trail.  Went to Falcon rock sat and watched the gorge a few minutes then lopped on the way out, mostly the small hardwood trees that tend to crowd the trail in the spring.  The laurel or punctatum I only cut if it was in the trail.  Also cut lots of briers.

Cut one tree across the trail, but it could be stepped over.

Saw 4 exploring in the mountain goat falls area and a couple with two dogs.  The trail has held up well.

No pics, but it did happen, great day to be in the woods

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Cabin Trail 9/11-9/23/2014

Friends of Linville Gorge Cabin Trail Walk-through, Summer 2014

Grandfather Ranger District Adopt-a-Trail Volunteer Report

Name of Adopted Trail: Cabin Trail, NW Quadrant, LGWA.

Name of Individual/Group: Christopher B, Friends of Linville Gorge.

Total Number of Volunteers Participating: 3.

Timeline of Volunteer Days/ Hours

Thursday, September 11, 2014. Verbal OK from Debbie T to clear Cabin

 Trail as its new adopter. 4 hours, clear brush & litter in parking area.

Friday, September 12, FOLG ratifies Cabin Trail adoption by group. 3-1/2 hours.

Saturday, September 13, Cut and remove two phone-pole sized hemlocks. 4-1/2


Sunday, September, 14, Two volunteers trim path. 3-1/2 hours.

Monday, September 15. 4 hours.

Tuesday, September 16. 4-1/2 hours.

Wednesday, September 17. 1-1/2 hours.

Monday, September 22. Cut and remove 3 hemlocks. 4-1/2. Trail cleared.

Total hours: 30.

Cabin Trail seems to be draining properly since former rain-bar work has held up

well. 5 new rainbars added. 6 downed trees removed. Litter cleanup. Looking

good, from your wilderness host Chris B. Tuesday September 23,2014


Sunday, September 21, 2014

North Rock Jock 9-21-2014

Date of work : 9/21/2014
Number of workers: 2 Jim d and Ken C
Time spent: 20 hours - includes commutes
work done: Clipped RJ from the North end to Hackers point, 1 yellow jacket nest- nobody stung.  Great day in the woods.  That end is read for leaf season.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Conley Cove 09 Aug 2014

Time spent 10 hours- includes commute
number of workers: 1 Jim de Friess
Work accomplished: Sling bladed the low stuff uphill along Conley Cove from the RJ intersection down toward the river.  Was passed by multiple hikers heading to the river including a family of four with two small children.  After they passed me I cleared a tree across the trail, and heard them talking.  It wasn't long until I got to the big down oak, the bank below had washed away and it was tougher to cross.  Same tree the baby copperhead was on last year.  I decided I had to clear it to the extent I could, and four cuts later with some shoving I got most of it off the trail.  Its still an awkward step over but much better.  Did about another 150 yards then ate late lunch on a log.  Decided I was too tired to try and make it the rest of the way to the river.  Just when the sling blade would have been most useful.  Oh well another day.

Used shears on the way out, the sling blade did the low stuff but the entire trail had some higher stuff to clip.  So clipped it on the way out.  Cleared one block switchback with the pulaski and cut in a bypass around another blocked switchback.  A 4' hemlock had the top fall out of it across a switchback- right at the 4'er plumbing.  Guess they were upset it got discovered, so I cut a path around the trunk.  Clipped all the way out as darkness began to fall.

Good day in the gorge, and the middle part of Conley Cove is in good shape.  Sure was wanting to wail on some stinging nettle - oh well next time.  No rain just fog, would have liked a little rain. 

Friday, May 30, 2014

Lower Pinch In May 29 and 30

Dates of work: May 29 and 30
Number of workers: 1 Jim d
time spent: 18 hours (includes commute)
Work done:
Hiked down Pinch In clipping below Falcon rock, built a few waterbars, was trying to get to where the trail turns off the ridge and concentrate on that part, but it was slow going getting there, a couple places needed additional attention.  Finally got to the top of the turn off the ridge worked the upper part.  Heard thunder getting serious so I surveyed and clipped minimally to the bottom then north on LGT to the first campsite.  South along the river just slightly to camp,right beside the river.  Tarp was up and hammock as the rain started.  Got in the hammock to listen to God speak.

Double obstruction across LGT at that campsite.  One tree over the other both about 2' in diameter Hemlock on bottom and red oak on top.  Another of those existed across Pinch In but I was able to cut a route around to the up hill side.  There was another double obstruction and it too was routed around.

Concentrated on the section going up to the ridge this morning by adding water features, then clipped up the ridge today.  At the top of the ridge I rested and saw rain in the gorge all I got was a sprinkle.

Hiked up in the sun then near the top another front hit and the thunder was picking up, made it to the truck before the rain got me.

Good days in the gorge.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Pinch In again

date of work: 5/20/2014
number of workers: 1 Jim d
time spent: 9 hours - includes commute

Work done: worked from where I quit previously down to Falcon rock, putting in waterbars and clipping.  It was a great day in the gorge.  Pinch in is in good shape to falcon rock don't know when I'll get the lower third.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Pinch In 5-13-2014

date of work 5/13/2014
number of workers: 1 Jim d
time spent: 10 hours includes commute
Work done: Continued from where I left off last Friday clipping down the hill on PI.  Got to the place where the trail goes right (going down) but a camp site and creek access are left - at the top of the cliff area.  Creek was flowing nicely - I got water from it.  Continued the waterbar project.  Some of my dug waterbars from previous fun trips were filled in and it was obvious the trail was the drainage.  Using logs where I could on top of the dirt - seems to help them last longer I built I don't know how many but got them down to the cliff area.

In one particular section 2 fire dead hemlocks had finally fallen across the trail, one I had made a waterbar before but its a large tree very difficult to cross just up the trail another fell.  I was able to cut it once and scoot it then let the trail go around the trees to the north side.  That actually sort of gives trail reversion (to the extent PI allows).  While resting I noticed there are about 10 more dead hemlocks in the area - 2 of which will almost assuredly fall across the trail.  The rest may.

I was going to to help them fall and hopefully control direction somewhat but after watching them vibrate in the wind and knowing the tree I just cut had snapped in a good place (requiring only one cut).  I couldn't get Ken C's voice out of my head  "don't do it - the top could break off while chopping and kill you." which is true that is a real possibility, a rope and spotter would be quite prudent.

That little section is widow maker alley for now.

A good day in the woods, was surprised I had spent 8 hours and it was a tough hike out.  A set of Easton trekking poles were about 300 yards down the trail on the side - not broke or anything.  I carried them to the trail head.

Friday, May 9, 2014

May 9 2014 Upper GI - wait PI

Date of work May, 9 2014
number of workers: 1 (been too long again Jim d)
time spent: 5.5 hours (includes commute
Work accomplished: Light clipping on upper part of Pinch in trail = maybe got 1/4 of the way down clipping and removing trees across trail.  Where I quit three trees killed by thr fire 7 years ago had fallen in or along the trail.  Made a water bar out of two of them, the third was hardened red oak and I was out of gas.  Fortunately its easily stepped over.  I was generally pleased at how open the trail seemed, things had leafed out but not fully, on the parts I worked its a solid 4' wide corridor now with minimal clipping required.  Briers and blackberry and devil's walking stick shaved it it was even looking at the trail.

Also good news is that the trees are forming canopy over the trail which will mean more shade - not shady by any means just less brutally sunny.

The waterbars previously put in were holding up well, some of the smaller ones had been kicked through, but most are big enough trees that people have stepped over them, and they didn't need major cleaning.  There is also an ample number of them so very little evidence of water running down the trail and continuing to rut (at least the upper part).  I think its a model for how a steep trail should be done- OK I'm biased.

Ran out of gas too soon, fed the bugs well - forgot repellent, so went back to the truck.  I think that trail gets a little steeper every year.....

Wonderful to be out there though

Monday, March 31, 2014

Southern RJ March 30, 2014

Date of work: March 30, 2014
time spent: 28 hours (3 workers- includes commutes)
Number of workers: 3 Jim d, Ken, and Mike
work done:  The primary goal was to check conditions and clip between Mossy Falls and Tee shirt point along Rock Jock.  This would mean the entire trail has been clipped over the last 6 months.

On the way in from the south end, some light clipping was done and a couple of trees in the back of Mossy canyon were removed from the trail.  Several remain, but they are mainly step overs.

Once passed Mossy falls we clipped to tee shirt point turn then up the hill slightly tying into the point Ken and I had clipped to coming south about three weeks ago.

The wind was up so there may be more and new deadfall across RJ but the trail is discernible and followable all the way through.

It was a great day, started cool and cloudy with snow flurries, ended with a full sun exit out of the south end of RJ.