Thursday, May 19, 2011

Pinch In and Conley Cove Mid May 2011

Dates of work: May 14, 15, 18, 19
Number of workers :1 Jim de Friess
Time spent: includes commutes :10 hours
Work done: Clipping on Pinch In  (14th)- shear work clipping back the growth that has started encroaching on the trail.  Not to 4' wide, but making sure the path is clear and discernible.

Waterbars on lower Pinch In (15th) - cleaned out the lower ones, constructed some, cleared tree obstructions.  Pinch In has no major blockages, but 1/4 down remains a substantial tree that could be cut wider if a crosscut team is available.

Clipping on Conley 18th and 19th- using shears to trim back briers, blackberries and nettles encroaching on the trail.  There is a discernible path.  At the lowest most switchback a 2' hardwood fell across the trail blocking it twice.  I clipped in the bypass to the north of it so crossing it twice can be avoided.  Further down about halfway between the last switchback and LGT another significant tree is across the trail, that has to be climbed over.  The footing for this is very tricky, and I should have notched it, but did not- wish I had.  It would be good to have a team for this one as well.  There are some other trees across Conley but they can be much more easily negotiated.

I've gotten some gorge days in, it feels like its been forever.

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