Saturday, February 4, 2012

PI and LGT (route from PI to DF)- work report

Pics from a trailwork trip Sat Feb 4, 2012

Work done: surveyed Pinch In trail, and LGT from Pinch In (PI) south to Daffodil flats (DF).  Cleared a blocked section of LGT, and worked on waterbars and switchbacks on Pinch In.  All Pulaski work, and the route from PI parking to DF is hikeable.

Time spent : 8 hours including commute

Number of workers: 1 (Jim de Friess)

I hiked down PI in only cleaning out a few waterbars and planning future ones.  I also considered minor switchback possibilities for the lower parts of PI that are the steepest or where the footing seemed such that someone could fall.

At the bottom of PI I went south on LGT, the goal was to get to DF, then work on the way back.  Once at DF I took some pictures and then started back.  I cleared a few trees and limbs and cleared a section that I had bypassed last April.  I then closed the bypass.  When I got close to the bottom land heading north I went off trail following the river.  There was three fire rings, although none had looked recently used, 6-7  tires, but the woods were open and walking along the river was beautiful. 

At the north end I rejoined LGT and then again went off trail to the river, following the river upstream coming back out at a campsite with a blue barrel. 

Once on PI there was some new deadfall, and I removed just enough to easily get around.  By this point I needed my energy.  I did stop a couple time to debranch step over trees.  Once starting up the steep part, when I got to a slick spot I took alternative routes to avoid it.  One such route went right through a stand of devil's walking stick trees, I cut/debranched the trees, but did not do any tread modification.

Near the top I finished cutting a tree I had chipped at over several trips.  There was two more Maples across the trail that could be stepped over that could be cut, and boy are they hard.  They'll have to wait.

It was a great day in the woods and I sure needed it.

1 comment:

  1. Jim on the photo with the circle: I couldn't make out much other than what I thought was The Camel.
