date of work 5/13/2014
number of workers: 1 Jim d
time spent: 10 hours includes commute
Work done: Continued from where I left off last Friday clipping down the hill on PI. Got to the place where the trail goes right (going down) but a camp site and creek access are left - at the top of the cliff area. Creek was flowing nicely - I got water from it. Continued the waterbar project. Some of my dug waterbars from previous fun trips were filled in and it was obvious the trail was the drainage. Using logs where I could on top of the dirt - seems to help them last longer I built I don't know how many but got them down to the cliff area.
In one particular section 2 fire dead hemlocks had finally fallen across the trail, one I had made a waterbar before but its a large tree very difficult to cross just up the trail another fell. I was able to cut it once and scoot it then let the trail go around the trees to the north side. That actually sort of gives trail reversion (to the extent PI allows). While resting I noticed there are about 10 more dead hemlocks in the area - 2 of which will almost assuredly fall across the trail. The rest may.
I was going to to help them fall and hopefully control direction somewhat but after watching them vibrate in the wind and knowing the tree I just cut had snapped in a good place (requiring only one cut). I couldn't get Ken C's voice out of my head "don't do it - the top could break off while chopping and kill you." which is true that is a real possibility, a rope and spotter would be quite prudent.
That little section is widow maker alley for now.
A good day in the woods, was surprised I had spent 8 hours and it was a tough hike out. A set of Easton trekking poles were about 300 yards down the trail on the side - not broke or anything. I carried them to the trail head.
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