Date of work: 8/04/2013
number of workers: 1 Jim de Friess
Time spent: 11 hours -includes commute
Work done: Starting from Old Conley fire ring I clipped south, just minimally the stuff across the trail and thin too. My goal was to get as far south as I could and try and keep moving clipping waht was sticking over the trail, trying to make sure it was followable if not wide.
At the top of the gulley in what is generally called Blue Jay canyon there was a tree across the trail, its where Ken and I turned around when we last worked RJ. After about an hour and a half it was in two and I was able to scoot the trunk making it passable. Now there are two trunks hanging over the trail - one in fern canyon, one in blue jay canyon.
After the tree trunk I worked and clipped south all the way past the turn to sunshine point, somewhere in moonshine canyon but not to south end of it.
I turned and retreated back north clipping more but walking at near normal pace. Had lunch at bean camp in the hammock then snoozed a bit. Watered up at Blue jay falls, then made it to the truck.
Rj is discernible all the way into moonshine canyon. There are a couple duck unders. I'll post a few pictures at some point.
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