Saturday, June 9, 2012

6/9/2012 Upper Pinch In

Date of work: 6/9/2012
Number of workers: 1 (Jim de Friess)
Time spent: 7 hours (includes commute)

Work accomplished:  Went to where I stopped last Wednesday and clipped to the top of the hill/trail.  Pinch In has had a summer haircut.  My clippers had a stop to prevent the handles and knuckles from crunching when clipping.  It broke off about half way up, but I was able to continue by adjusting the way I held them.  I made a few small waterbars, and carried the pulaski all day but only used it once.  My insect repellent wore off and the flies got a bite knee and elbow but not bad.  A sling blade would have been more effective for the last 100 feet.

Two people and dog started down the trail ahead of me with fishing poles and packs.  The wife then left with the car.  A couple later came by on the way down, and passed me again on the way out.  They only went to falcon rock.  Another lone backpacker went down as the previously mentioned couple was going up.  Finally passed a couple heading down with a dog. Three vehicles were in the parking lot when I left VA, TN and NC plates.

It was a great day in the woods.

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