Wednesday, June 27, 2012

LGT- (Cabin to Babel) June 26, 2012

date of work: June 26, 2012
Number of wokers: 1 Jim de Friess
time spent :10 hours (includes commute)
work done:  Parked at Babel Tower Trail head- walked up 105 to the Cabin Trail head.  Descended Cabin trail- clipping very minimally.  At LGT turned South and clipped (over several hours) all the way to about 100 yards north of where the trail crosses a creek.  At that point I was at a place with a tree trunk across the trail and was pretty well exhausted.  The tree trunk was resting on a boulder and I was able to slide it off and get it to the ground.  I then chopped a tree down, and cut one off that the trunk had pinned making it far easier to get by for hikers.  At that point I clipped I clipped a little less wide than I had been until I got to the spur trail leading to the river.  North of the river turn I clipped a little wider hoping future hikers wanting to follow LGT would realize the trail goes uphill there.

I took the spur trail to the river for a relaxing swim.  The water was pleasantly cool and not shockingly cold and was able to get right in.  I drank some water and ate a snack and rested.

After the refreshing break I climbed back up to the LGT and clipped south toward Babel Tower.  Trying for 2' wide and making sure anyone going through the boulders (in the trail) could easily see foot placement.  I reached Babel tower, and took another break drinking half a quart of water.  Then started up Babel Tower trail, clipping those things that were most prominent, but clipping with the idea of "keep moving" or stay at almost hike speed.  Some things got missed.  The lower 2/3rds of Babel Tower could use more clipping for sure.  The upper 1/3 (where Muttly and I worked -a year ago?) was still in good shape except for a few places where quick growing blackberries had intruded.  I only clipped some of them as the sun was nearing its setting point and I was pretty well spent.  Babel clearly is getting traffic, so even though its narrow at the bottom its obvious.  The LGT is getting less traffic, so I felt my time was well spent clipping wider along it and saving Babel for another time.

LGT since Father's day has had some clipping done between the North end and Babel tower.  Minor clipping on LGT happened in March, so its a little easier to follow, but there are still narrow spots.

On the way out (dusk) saw rabbits in the road, having to almost stop before three of them would scatter.  Saw a full grown Black bear in the road south of the turn to Dobson's knob - the low spot before Unnamed route- I was heading south.  It was a beautiful bear and probably would tip the scales around 300 pounds- just guessing.  It ran off when I closed within a 100 yards in my truck.  There was a camera on my dashboard- but the surprise kept me from thinking about it. Saw a box turtle crossing the road too.

On the way in (11 am) a deer crossed just after the pavement turns dirt, and a turkey about 150 yards further up.  The road had recently been scraped and I actually had to back down and carry more speed up the hill to the first sharp left hand turn.  In the process of that a rock or something got between a rotating and non-rotating part of a wheel and made a terrible racket- for about a mile - finally vibrating out or wearing down. weird.

Three hikers had just come out Babel as I parked and were resting.  They were hiking to their car at Cabin.  They had parked at Cabin and hiked through- didn't ask where they stayed but it was at least one night.  I told them where I was planning to clip- which sounded like the same route.  They were done I was starting.  They asked about finding out trail conditions.  I told them about LGN ( with its forum and trail work blog.  Maybe they'll register.

I think the bear was the highlight, made a couple videos and will load them and pics to the usual spots at some point.  It was a great day in the woods.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Cabin- LGT- Bynum Bluff 6-19-2012

Date of work: 6-19-2012
Number of workers: 3 (Jimd, Hikerman, and Ken)
Time spent: 26.5 hours combined (includes commutes)
Work accomplished:  Hiked down Cabin trail clipping as needed, turned North on LGT clipped as needed, cleared one area with multiple trees across the trail, clipped to Bynum Bluff, ascended Bynum out.

The trail was a little narrow, but its better now.

Video at:

Pictures at:

A great day in the woods.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

6/12/12 Lower Conley

Date of work: 6/12/2012
Number of Workers: 1 (Jim de Friess)
time spent:8 hours - includes commute
Work done:  Clipped lightly with shears to the bottom of Conley Cove trail, removed two logs blocking the trail.  At the bottom I sling bladed to a good width coming up until I got tired, and then clipped with shears the upper part some more as I headed out.  The trail isn't shorts hike-able yet but it has been started,

I think poison Ivy is a non-native plant to the gorge,  Its getting more and more prevalent on the lower part.

Video at

I hope in a little while, it said 33 minutes left and there is a t-storm in the area.  If my power blinks I'll lose internet.

Great day in the woods,

Off to make supper now

Saturday, June 9, 2012

6/9/2012 Upper Pinch In

Date of work: 6/9/2012
Number of workers: 1 (Jim de Friess)
Time spent: 7 hours (includes commute)

Work accomplished:  Went to where I stopped last Wednesday and clipped to the top of the hill/trail.  Pinch In has had a summer haircut.  My clippers had a stop to prevent the handles and knuckles from crunching when clipping.  It broke off about half way up, but I was able to continue by adjusting the way I held them.  I made a few small waterbars, and carried the pulaski all day but only used it once.  My insect repellent wore off and the flies got a bite knee and elbow but not bad.  A sling blade would have been more effective for the last 100 feet.

Two people and dog started down the trail ahead of me with fishing poles and packs.  The wife then left with the car.  A couple later came by on the way down, and passed me again on the way out.  They only went to falcon rock.  Another lone backpacker went down as the previously mentioned couple was going up.  Finally passed a couple heading down with a dog. Three vehicles were in the parking lot when I left VA, TN and NC plates.

It was a great day in the woods.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Mid Pinch In 6/6/12

Date of work: June 6, 2012
Number of workers: 1 Jim de Friess
Time spent: 8 hours - includes commute
Work done:  Went to where I left off Monday, and continued up the hill, clipping Pinch In to 4' wide.  I did make one or two water features.  I had hoped to finish but it wasn't to be.  I did get well into the woods at higher elevation, so I can finish on a sunny day without melting.  It was a perfect work day, recent rains weighted the stuff over into the trail making it easier to clip.  It was overcast and foggy and cool all day.  I saw two hikers and three dogs going down the trail, all had packs on even the dogs.  My feet got wet but I expected them too, it only misted on me occasionally.  On the way up there was a flock of four adult turkeys and about 8-10 little ones on the paved part of 105.  I had to stop to keep from hitting the little ones, eventually I got by the little ones without injury.

Great day in the woods

Monday, June 4, 2012

lower Pinch In 6/4/2012

Date of work: 6/4/2012
Number of workers: 1 Jim de Friess
time spent: 9.5 hours includes commute
Work done:  Hiked to the bottom of Pinch In, cut two tree trunks across the trail on the lower part, and then clipped the trail heading up the hill.  I clipped to 4' wide in most places and was pleased that there were actually a couple places on the lower part where there is tree canopy over the trail.  The lower parts also had some ripe blueberries of which I partook.

I lost track of time and was out there longer than I thought.  I had hoped to get all the way back up the trail clipping, but then decided Falcon rock was the goal.  I ran out of clipping gas about 200' below falcon rock.  The rest of my energy was for walking out.  Found one tick on me.

May try to finish the trail Wednesday.  It was a good day in the woods.  No pictures- but it did happen....