Tuesday, September 20, 2011

south RJ 9-20-2011

Date of work:  9-20-2011
number of workers: 4  Ken C, William F, Karen B, and Jim d
Time spent: 11 hours travel, 26 hours on the trail - total
Work done:  We clipped growth and chopped a few trees from the ridge where RJ turns north from the south entrance all the way to mossy falls.

We met at Pinch In, William did some side exploring, and surveyed upper Pinch In.  There are some trees across it.  Then he joined the other three of us on RJ, and we worked through the back of Mossy Canyon and around to Mossy Falls.  Ken and William went further and I know they made it to tee- shirt point, we saw Williams shirt.  Very appropriate name.  One of them will have to comment on the amount of clipping they did beyond the falls.  The falls by the way was running, very slowly, but enough we filled water bottles.

The work was mostly clipping back the summer growth, there was one maple on the south side of Mossy that would be real awkward to cross so we took the time to remove it.  There was also some new dead fall across the part of the trail down the first hill from the road we cleared on the way in.

There is a good crop of Poison Ivy just on the north side of the back of the canyon at the trail for those with that allergy.  I clipped it back as best I could, so its out of the trail for now.

Couldn't ask for a better group of workers.  They made sure of their footing first, then clipped accordingly.  It was a great day in the woods, the leaves were mostly green, but definitely already some color


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