Friday, September 11, 2009

Sept 10, 2009 Lower Pinch In

Date of work: 9/10/2009
Number of workers: 1 Jim de Friess
time spent 9.5 hours includes commute
work accomplished:

Pre work- I clipped around the parking lot on both sides of the barrier
as needed. I gathered 12 beer cans from the woods to the left as you
are exiting the parking area.

Ken and William got there and we walked to the bottom of Pinch In trail,
Ken clipped a little as we went down, I cleaned out a few waterbars. At
the bottom we turned around and worked up with shears. We clipped along
the entire lower 2/3s of the trail. We also picked up trash on the way

William explored and kept us amused while we worked our way up the

I cut down a dead dogwood that was hanging over the trail, and cleaned a
waterbar or two on the way up, but it was mostly shear work. Widening
the trail- clipping back growth.

We saw sumac that was "just right" that a "lemonade" like substance
could be made from- Ken tried it - I passed. We saw bear foraging signs
and scat (right in the middle of the trail), we saw where deer had been
eating acorns.

The weather was nearly perfect, we started in a dense fog, and just
below falcon rock the visibility improved. It was overcast all day and
consequently remained cool- I would say 70s, and there was a hint of fog
when we got back to the parking lot at the end of the day. The dampness
also seem to make the green more vivid, and there is some early autumn
color starting to creep in. The sassafras, and sourwood was turning.

It was a great day in the woods with good company.

Thanks Ken and William.

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