Number of workers: Jim deFriess and Mark Conforti
Time spent 6 hours: includes commute
Work accomplished:
We arrived at the trail head at 8am and proceeded to hike to the river.
Major stuff was clipped on the way down. The missed switchback was
clearly more used than the trail. Not having anything really big to
stack in it we continued down. On the lower end of the switchback it
was easier to block but still not too effectively. We wanted to get to
the river so we proceeded.
At the river we took in the beauty of the canyon, and watched the fish
for a brief period of time before starting back out. I had set an alarm
so we would get back early afternoon and we worked from the river up
several hundred yards. The trail in that area is very crowded, it
really needs Jason and his saws, but we opened it up considerably, both
of us using loppers. We may have gotten half way back to the LGT when
the alarm went off alerting us that it was time to head out.
At that point we cut a few things walking back up and out. We put a
dead tree in the missed switchback part of the trail and tried to make
the turn very obvious. At the other end of it we also paused to cut a
little extra to attempt to block the entrance to the steep shortcut and
encourage people to use the less steep route.
We ate some blueberries, some were ready- looks like there will be some
for the next several weeks.
It was a great joy working with Mark, I don't think he broke a sweat.
The weather was overcast, bugs were minimal. Another wonderful day in
the woods.
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