Thursday, September 25, 2014

Cabin Trail 9/11-9/23/2014

Friends of Linville Gorge Cabin Trail Walk-through, Summer 2014

Grandfather Ranger District Adopt-a-Trail Volunteer Report

Name of Adopted Trail: Cabin Trail, NW Quadrant, LGWA.

Name of Individual/Group: Christopher B, Friends of Linville Gorge.

Total Number of Volunteers Participating: 3.

Timeline of Volunteer Days/ Hours

Thursday, September 11, 2014. Verbal OK from Debbie T to clear Cabin

 Trail as its new adopter. 4 hours, clear brush & litter in parking area.

Friday, September 12, FOLG ratifies Cabin Trail adoption by group. 3-1/2 hours.

Saturday, September 13, Cut and remove two phone-pole sized hemlocks. 4-1/2


Sunday, September, 14, Two volunteers trim path. 3-1/2 hours.

Monday, September 15. 4 hours.

Tuesday, September 16. 4-1/2 hours.

Wednesday, September 17. 1-1/2 hours.

Monday, September 22. Cut and remove 3 hemlocks. 4-1/2. Trail cleared.

Total hours: 30.

Cabin Trail seems to be draining properly since former rain-bar work has held up

well. 5 new rainbars added. 6 downed trees removed. Litter cleanup. Looking

good, from your wilderness host Chris B. Tuesday September 23,2014


Sunday, September 21, 2014

North Rock Jock 9-21-2014

Date of work : 9/21/2014
Number of workers: 2 Jim d and Ken C
Time spent: 20 hours - includes commutes
work done: Clipped RJ from the North end to Hackers point, 1 yellow jacket nest- nobody stung.  Great day in the woods.  That end is read for leaf season.