Date of work: April 2 and 3
Number of workers: 1 Jim de Friess
time spent: 18 hours - includes commute
Worked Pinch In a little on the way in, clearing obstructions, building a few waterbars. Once on LGT south I cleared obstructions to Blue hole (that I could). The exception being the recent downfall just south of daffodil flats (DF). There I cut in a path around the obstruction- where it appeared traffic was already going.
Once at Blue hole I put away the pulaski in favor of loppers to clip the trail corridor slightly wider. Some of the rhodo caves need the ceiling raised in places, one would need a saw for that, I didn't have one. Made it DF camped just above the nice beach there.
The next day I clipped back to PI and started my ascent. Its better to work PI on the way down.